accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival

du 11 au 17 Novembre 2024

21° Edition

 Corte dell'Arte di FOQUS Naples  | Campania, Italy |  Festival Direction


accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival


21° Edition - Créé en 2000

accordi @ DISACCORDI is a competitive international short film festival held annually, each November, in Naples, Italy since 2000.

The film festival is dedicated to fiction and documentary short films, short animated, experimental, and research films. The event's main aim is to promote and support talented emerging directors, and independent cinematographers, with an eye to new visual languages and new ways of expression resulting from experimentation, aesthetic research, expressive originality, innovation, and productive independence. The festival's main objective is to be a privileged observatory of the new forms, perspectives, and artistic trends of the "Short Cinema".
The format of the festival, structured in a wide and diversified program, provides that the screenings of the presented works are accompanied by close meetings with their authors, producers, actors in the presence of lovers of the seventh art, professionals in the film industry, industry experts and cultural operators in an informal atmosphere. Over the years the event has been enriched by a rich program of cultural activities consisting of laboratories, seminars, conferences and workshops with universities and schools; exhibitions, masterclasses, and special events, focus on recent film productions of countries or geographical areas and on issues of pressing current events. The entrance to cultural events is free of charge. Special attention is devoted to the competitive section on environmental issues on eco-sustainability, respect for and protection of the environment, good ecological practices and climate change.

accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival

Le site officiel

Organisateur du festival

Movies Event
Via Salvator Rosa, 137/E
80129 Naples

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Plus d'info sur Pro Festivals
Retrouvez plus d'informations sur le festival accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival  sur le portail dédié aux professionnels des festivals.


B&B I Colori di Salvator Rosa; Hotel San Francesco




Metro: Stop Toledo; Bus: C16

Partir en Covoiturage

Renseignements :  +39 815491838

Tarifs Free


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